



Of all the dilemmas the United States faces in the Middle East, none is more vexing and consequential for U.S. strategic interests than China’s increasing presence and influence in that part of the world. In a new article, MEI Defense and Security Program Director Bilal Y. Saab and Distinguished Senior Fellow on National Security Gen. (ret.) Joseph Votel explore how the U.S. should respond to Beijing’s growing regional role.



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Lebanon Then and Now: Photography from 2006 - 2023


Lebanon Then and Now is an immersive 360° exhibit at the MEI Art Gallery featuring the works of 17 of Lebanon’s most exciting art and documentary photographers. Originally planned as a physical exhibit, it has been reimagined as a virtual show, on view from July 13 to September 25, 2023.

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Photo: "The Next Day," by Blanche Eid, 2023 (courtesy of the artist)

Expanding Knowledge, Narrowing Divides

MEI fosters greater understanding of the Middle East through non-partisan policy analysis, educational services, and promotion of regional arts and culture.


Policy Center

A source for non-partisan expert analysis seeking solutions to the region’s most challenging issues

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Education Center

Classes, academic resources, and professional development services to foster regional understanding

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Arts & Culture Center

D.C.’s only gallery dedicated to contemporary and modern art from the Middle East

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Submissions due by July 21

MEI's Arts & Culture Center invites artists from the region and its diaspora to submit artwork for the forthcoming exhibition, "Art in Isolation: Creativity in the Time of COVID-19."

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Leading Regional Expertise

MEI’s scholars draw on deep ties and decades of experience working in the region to build better understanding of Middle East policy.

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Research Programs

Led by renowned scholars and regional experts, MEI's policy research programs produce original analysis, convene roundtables and public events, and work to advance understanding of the complexities of regional policy.

Countering Terrorism & Extremism

In-depth analysis into the region’s varied terrorist threats and their underlying drivers, including civil conflict.

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Gulf Affairs

Enhancing understanding of the issues facing the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council who are key political, security, and economic partners for the United States.

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Iran Program

MEI’s Iran project provides analysis of Iran’s policies and actions at home and abroad through research, articles, papers, and public and private events.

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Middle East-Asia Project

Exploring the multidimensional relations between the Middle East and Asia through scholarly analysis of cross-regional economic, political, security, and social/cultural interactions and their implications.

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Afghanistan and Pakistan Studies

Advancing a balanced and realistic understanding of the politics, economy, society and foreign policy of these two countries.

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Program on Conflict Resolution and Track II Dialogues

Establishing spaces for current and former officials and experts to engage in problem-solving dialogues in which they discuss emerging political and security trends in the region, resolution of conflicts, and broader issues related to regional security.

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Turkish Studies

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Defense and Security Program

Providing rigorous and multidisciplinary analysis of the current and emerging defense and security challenges and opportunities facing the United States and its regional partners.

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Egypt Program

Looking at the country's security, economic and political developments. It seeks to examine Egypt’s domestic developments and regional role through research, private roundtables and public events.

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Update from MEI

Despite the physical closure of MEI’s offices on N St. until further notice, MEI’s staff and experts are teleworking and busier than ever. Given our mission to educate and inform, coupled with the dramatic impact of COVID-19 on life in the Middle East, MEI remains committed to providing our readers, viewers and supporters with unique insights, policy analysis and stories of creativity and hope from the region.

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We seek to promote knowledge of the Middle East in America and strengthen understanding of the United States by the peoples and governments of the region. We believe pursuit of this goal is integral to building a world of peace and stability, in which the people of our two regions value our shared humanity.


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We provide education and resources to the next generation of global leaders.


Our Center for Arts & Culture promotes a more integrated understanding of the Middle East, forging people-to-people connections and creating a destination for exploring the role of the arts in the region.


We elevate voices from the region in international conversation.


Our international conflict resolution dialogues bring together civil society and political leaders to achieve impact through cooperation both in and outside of the region.

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